Saturday, March 27, 2010

In which Titans will Clash!

So on a whim, I entered this little contest on Moviefone. They were offering passes to early screening of the new Clash of the Titans movie that comes out Friday. Passes that, more accurately, COULD get you into the early screening. The early screenings were only in select of them being Philadelphia. I may have issues with this year here, but I gotta say that THIS is one of the perks of a big city.

Anyhoo, I saw that there were already like 20 pages of entries, so I figured even if I entered, I'd have no chance of snagging a pass but I entered either way because I REALLY wanna see this movie but I REALLY don't want to pay the 15.50 cost of seeing it in 3D which is the ONLY way the theater close to me would have it.

Well...I won. But the contest kinda fibbed. Yeah, the early screening is in outside district of I live in the main city and the showing is in the frikkin burbs! Which left me woefully sad because I would have no way to get there since it was out of Bus and Subway range.

But....I realized that the theater it's at is the same one my lone Philly friend took me to, to see Avatar in 3D IMAX....and it just so happens that she wants to see it too! And the pass is for me and a HUZZAH! I'm going!

Well, hopefully we'll get in...I get off work at 5. At which time I'm going to hop on the subway and take it all the way to the last stop where she's going to pick me up and hopefully we'll be at the theater by 6:20ish and hopefully that will be more than enough time to get there and claim our seats.

So here's hoping the scheduling works because there's no better way to spend a Monday night (well, other than watching Chuck) than to see Sam Worthington running around in Greek armor...IN 3D!

In other fangirl squeeage, I'm finally getting around to watching Nathan Fillion's show "Castle." I had been putting it off because I had no real access to the first season of episodes outside of forking over a lot of dough for them. And as much as I love Captain Tightpants, I didn't like the price tag for the episodes. I lucked out though. An online friend of mine likes the show, among others, and posts the episodes weekly. So I now have access to all of season 1 and what's aired of season 2! So, that's what I'll be doing the rest of the evening. Can't think of a better way to spend a lazy Saturday Night!

So, until next time, this is me signing off!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

In which there are introductions



Hola and welcome to this little blog. Nothing spectacular at the moment. But give it time, it's merely a young little padawan at the moment.

Really this was started because a friend said, "Hey, you should have a blog," and I though..."Why not."

So here it is. Geek and the relation to Sex and the City. While sex may be a topic (you know, on the off chance it ever happens), the topic of choice will be Geek. Yes, hello, my name is Ashley and I'm a Geek. Proud of it. But as most of my fellow geeky brethren can attest to, being a Geek in a non-Geeky world can be rough.

So this blog will be my little account of how I survive it. Not really sure how it'll go or if it will be all that interesting, but I promise it will be readable. As of right now I plan on throwing in a few movie and tv reviews and mingle that in with the talking about everyday life.

So, until next time, this is me, signing off.